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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Understanding Solar Battery Charging Stages

UNDERSTANDING SOLAR BATTERY CHARGING STAGES, pub-1738054441121752, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0  Having trouble understanding battery charging stages? We admit it. . .batteries are confusing. To add further complication to the mix, your solar charge controller or inverter/charger (with generator) has several stages of charging. Understanding each stage can help you protect and prolong the life of your battery. It is extremely important, that the program settings for the charge controller or inverter/charger are correct. This will help preserve and extend the battery life. Do not assume that the default settings are correct, 95% of the time the default settings are incorrect. If you have questions on how to program your controller, please give us a call. There are four stages to your battery charging. Bulk – is typically the first stage of charging. Bulk begins when the sun comes out or the generator turns on. This stage occurs when the batteries are at a lower state-of-charge, generally anything less than 80% full. The Bulk stage basically allows the solar panel or generator to put as much amperage into the batteries as possible. As the batteries collect electricity, the voltage will slowly rise over time. Absorb – once the batteries reach the programmed “Absorb Voltage”, usually somewhere between 14.4 – 14.8 Volts for lead-acid batteries, the batteries will go into the Absorb stage. Typically, when a battery reaches this stage they are around 80-90% full depending on the charge rate. During this stage, the batteries are kept at the programmed voltage, and the amperage going into the batteries reduces as the batteries become more full. The Absorb stage ends after the programed time is reached or the number of amps going into the battery falls below a preset number. Float – upon the completion of the Absorb stage, the charge controller will drop the voltage to a preset value and begin the Float stage. The batteries achieve float stage when they are at 100% charge. Remember it is very important to program your controller or charger correctly. Equalization – is a controlled overcharge that is done on a periodic basis. To learn more about a controll ed overcharge and Equalization read our post 8 tips for Extending Battery Life For Your Solar Power System. Let the power of the sun 🌞 work for you..! Reference:

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